What are advantages of Scala over Kotlin?
By William Narmontas,
Original article at Quora.
Scala leads, others follow. Scala offers:
A far stronger and more sound type system
- Type classes & implicits
- Higher kinded types: are types which take other types and construct a new type, mostly used for Functional and Generic programming, see libraries like Cats, Scalaz and Shapeless.
- Still work in progress to build Scala 3 (Dotty) to have a language based on sound theory
- This enables an incredible amount of things such as automatically deriving information from your types, creating complex types from other types, and treating types almost as if they were values.
Excellent, scalable tooling
SBT - Scalable Build Tool
- Custom, cheap plugins in-project - you can extract common functionality from multiple projects for your team. Your build is code meaning you can publish it, transform it, factor it out, etc
- Easy packaging and deployment to Docker and other targets
- Strongly typed, as it is written in Scala, and with macros
- Play Framework - which actually scales in development, unlike every other framework I’ve used
- Akka
SBT - Scalable Build Tool
Macros and code introspection (scalameta; PDF slides)
- Basically write code to analyse and generate other code
- Enable automatic yet explicit type class derivation, such as for JSON formats (also done with generic programming)
- Enables tools such as shapeless, scalafmt, scalafix
I have not listed everything, but this is more than enough to start with.
Right now, Kotlin and Scala are not really competitors as they are in a different ballpark in terms of offerings. Different target markets.
The way I see it, Kotlin will make it possible for programmers to appreciate what Scala has to offer.
Make no mistake about it: Scala scales, hence the name.